Monday, October 24, 2011


It all started back in the Summer of 1992, I was 12 years old, listening to the radio and heard this song "(You've Got) The Right Stuff" come on. I had to find out who was singing this song. The dj on the radio said the group was called the New Kids on the Block. I then realized that I had to buy their nightgown that was being sold in department stores, so I did. I looked through magazines tearing out posters that had anything to do with the New Kids on the Block. I hung up my nkotb posters above my bed and looked at them before I fell asleep and woke up with them looking back at me and smiling. I had a huge crush on Donnie and Jordan. Jordan was a gorgeous, talented singer with an amazing voice. He also had a killer smile to go along with his deadly looks. He was an absolute heartthrob. Donnie was different from the other guys. He was good looking, talented, and a bad boy. He had the sexiest voice & was misunderstood by the media. Fifteen years later, the Boys from Beantown are back with a new album & a new attitude. They still have the same old fans who have grown up into wonderful, beautiful women with jobs,families and responsibilities. Now at age 31, I have a new respect for The Block and their fans. I have a huge crush on Jon knight but always fantasize about meeting Donnie Wahlberg. I can not help myself I am so in Love with Jon but have major urges for Donnie. Will I ever meet them? I don't know the answer to that question, but a girl can always dream, can't she?? Next year, it will be my time to meet the New Kids on the Block and finally get my *HUGS*, or as Donnie says "TWUGS" and *Kisses* ready. Until then I'll always have the dream of meeting them. Thank u Donnie for bringing back the boys and finding the song "Click,click,click" and having such awesome Donnie girls. Thank you Jon for knowing that I can be myself on twitter and for having such great group of Knight owls. I also have the best Danny, Jordan and Joey girls on twitter. I love all of you so much and can't thank u enough for making me smile,laugh, and for making me feel special and loved on twitter. I love the New Kids On The Block, always have and always will.
Love:: Argie @jonsweethearts